Sunday, September 19, 2010

18 September 2010: Spider Rescue

Justin Thomas

18 September 2010

11:00 p.m. (approx.)

Baxter Dorm 207


Last night it started to rain really hard. It started to rain so hard, in fact, that me and my hallmates were compelled to remove our shoes and shirts and go running around in the downpour. After a good ten minutes of screaming and shouting in the rain, we all came back inside and showered/dressed. I was in my room playing my guitar when I noticed a little spider on my wall. It was very near my friend, and when I mentioned the spider, she screamed and jumped off of the bed. I quickly found a loose sheet of paper and goaded the spider onto her escape pod (everyone else in the room wanted to squish her). It was still raining outside, so I put her on the window sill near the stairs (outside of the hall) where she could decide what to do with herself next. Like most spider rescues I have performed, when she crawled to the edge of the paper, she tried to bungee off of it using her convenient butt-web dispenser. But I lifted the paper higher so that she didn't really make any relative progress, until I placed her where I wanted her. After returning to my room, I got the usual criticism for letting a vicious killer like that live to tell the tale. The rain continued to pleasantly drizzle for the remainder of the night.

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