Sunday, September 26, 2010

Curved Tree

While I was in the forest I saw a few trees with bent trunks such as the one above. Both my parents used to be foresters and I remember my mom telling me if a tree is at and angle it is because it is growing in unstable soil or an area of high wind. I doubt that wind had any effect on the tree so it must be in unstable soil. I wanted to get a closer look but I didn't think it would be wise because it was growing a little to close to the cliff for comfort.

The tree had clearly been at an angle for quite some time because it had curved upward, away from gravity, (no, not toward sunlight, it is called gravitropism) and its trunk was curved. It was also covered in moss which didn't happen overnight.

I recall a woman at a tree nursery once telling me that if you plant a tree at an angle, it is dwarfed because it will grow more slowly. Perhaps that is why many Bonsia trees are planted at an angle. If this be the case than that little tree could be much older than it looks.

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