Thursday, September 23, 2010

Spider Fetish Continued...

Theresa Barosh (in the process of revision)
Observation at 7:00-7:27pm
I was studying in the library facing North toward the Mill Stream when someone nearby said, "Look at all the spiders!"
I tilted my head up a few degrees looking out of the window, and I saw fifteen to twenty dead and alive spiders on the outside of the glass in large webs. The sun was setting, and the sillouette of the spiders was beautiful and creepy. Slightly aside from the rest of the hoard it looked like two spiders were wrestling and tickling each other. The lady (much larger than the man, so I'm assuming...) was running away from the man to begin with. She seemed to become more involved with him 'tickling' him back. Eventually he would start leaning in during their 'tickling' and snag a 'kiss' from her. He does this for a while until one particularly long 'kiss' in which the lady isn't struggling. After this 'kiss' they continue on as before. Another few minutes, and I am wondering if the lady has died because she has become still while the man continues to 'tickle' her.
I climb up the window to get a better look, using a stepping stool and putting my feet on the second ledge a few feet above the ground. I stay up by holding on tightly to the third ledge, which the spiders are next to. With a closer view, I can see that their legs are striped and long. The man has huge fangs with circular tuffs near the end. Suddenly, the man starts to walk away, but the lady grabs his back legs with hers. He immediately turned back, and they began 'tickling' again. After a while, she became still with her legs curved in. She would push at him every once in a while with her front legs. I left at this point, late to the Kadinsky Effect concert.
With some research, I realize why it looks like the man is kissing or biting the lady with large fangs. This page is talking about a different type of spider, but it gave me some ideas.
The 'fangs' were probably his sexual organs, and when he 'kissed' her he was probably injecting sperm.

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