Thursday, September 23, 2010


Since I had a tape measure I decided I needed to measure more things. I headed over to the star trees with the intentions of measuring the distance between the trees. When I got there however, I realized my little tape measure wouldn't reach between any of the trees. Since I couldn't measure anything I decided to look around and noticed the roots that were sticking out of the ground. There were a whole bunch between the trees closest to the art building. So, I decided to go look around to see more of the roots only to find that there were hardly any exposed roots anywhere else. I started to wonder if these things changed what the tree looked like.
I headed across the road to test my hypothesis that the tree closest to the art building would, in some way, be different. It turns out that that particular tree is quite average. It's not the tallest, not the shortest and it had the same shape as the other two that I could see from there. From there I went around to the other side of the trees to examine the two trees I couldn't see, in particular the tree sharing the gap with exposed roots. I found out when I got over that the particular tree I was examining was indeed skinnier than the other trees. So, I made a new hypothesis that the tree with the high roots was taking water from the tree with lower roots. But, this idea doesn't fit well because it is not the shortest tree. The shortest tree is the other tree I couldn't see, but I cant help but to think it is shorter because of something that happened to it. The top of the shortest tree is rounder than the others and looks to me as if someone cut off the top. If I am correct about that, than my root theory could be supported.

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