Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Creepers at the Mill Stream

Theresa Barosh
A few days ago as I was starting to consider what to blog about, I looked closely at the Mill Stream as I wondered by. Walking North across the small bridge over the stream next to the library, I noticed a slight twinkle near the end of the rail. The light came from the West, as it was early evening. The light was shining on a beautiful, intricate spider web. The web was almost a full circle connected on one side to the bridge and on the other to bricks that make up the stairs leading to FAE (Fine Arts East). The view of the angled light catching the damp silk-like threads, made me feel like I imagine an artist would feel right when she finds the perfect subject for her painting or photograph. Two large spiders actively moved across the web, adding life to the picture. They were a light tan with delicate bending legs and brown markings on their backs. A few feet South of the web, a couple of thin lines lead from the railing to some still spiders of the same look as the two large ones on the web. They seemed small and their legs curved inward unhealthily; I think they were dead.
Yesterday morning, a blonde girl sat next to her tall friend talking excitedly on the bridge. The blonde sat right where the end of the live spiders' web had been, and the tall one leaned against the part of the railing that the nooses for the dead spiders had hung. I was not able to tell if the spiders were still there; however, I imagined the dead spiders clinging to the tall girl's back. This picture made me feel half sympathetic and horrified for the poor girl. The other half of me thought that it was a great joke.

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