Thursday, September 30, 2010


My one foot rested in the crook of one of the tree's branches as my other foot clamored up the trunk scraping off ferns. I reached up into the tree searching for something to pull myself into the higher branches. My hand brushed a fern and I grabbed on, climbing higher. Finally I rested on a branch and thought about being here in this tree. It was a strange sensation to be sitting in a giant organism. I looked around at the class climbing on this one organism. I couldn't decide if I felt parasitic, scrambling around on its body. I felt kind of guilty because I don't really let other creatures hang out on my body. I mean this giant tree is its own entity yet it houses so much more. Not only does it sustain entire ecosystems of moss, ferns, and holly bushes which house countless insects and other creatures; but it can also hold groups of individuals swinging and sitting on its limbs. As far as I know, I don't really do anything like that for other organisms. I feel like it should be a give and take kind of deal.

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