Sunday, September 26, 2010

Changing Weather

On Saturday, September 25th, the weather outside was very noticeable. It had a high of eighty one degrees! This is a remarkably hot day for late September in Oregon. I was very pleased with the weather that whole day. The weather hasn't been that hot here in awhile. It was a good change of pace from what we have been having. The sky showed no signs of forecast or anything. It was clear blue skies as far as the eye could see. Since I couldn't see any clouds I began to infer that there was going to be good, solid weather for the next couple of days. Despite the fact that it was nice, I should of realized that it is Oregon. Oregon's weather is unpredictable and usually always throwing people off. The next morning I woke up to rain. I was highly disappointed. I read the weather Sunday, September 26th, and the high was only 70 degrees. There was a 88 percent relative humidity which made it seem somewhat hot when it wasn't raining. How can weather in Oregon change so fast? Residents of Oregon have to be willing to be spontaneous and make the best of the satisfyingly warm days because the residents never know when it might rain, or be sunny, again.

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