Monday, September 27, 2010

Monday Morning

Rolling out of bed at 7:30 I expected to see blue skies and the sun shining out over the freshly watered grass quad because the weather report, the night before said, that it was going to be an 84 degree high. Sadly, when I opened my blinds all I could see was grey skies because there was heavy fog. The fog was dense and looming over the entire quad. This left me uneasy about what my wardrobe would be for the day. While walking to my Chemistry class in Collins, I looked to my right and saw another huge perfectly spun web hanging on to two branches of a small tree. However, I did not see a spider residing within this fine web. By the time I left my chemistry class, the fog had completely cleared which seems shocking that within an hour you can go from dense fog to absolutely no fog at all. When I came back to my dorm building, there was a wasp flying around the card swipe. This wasp shockingly did not seem worried by my presence, but rather kept flying around the card swipe making it nearly impossible for me to swipe my card.

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