Sunday, September 26, 2010

Odd Tree

Today I was walking back to Kaneko as I noticed a very odd shaped tree. The top half of the tree didn't seem to be irregular but the bottom half did. It seemed to come out of the ground at a forty five degree angle and began to curve upwards to the sun. This made me wonder why it grew like this. Maybe it had been planted wrong? Perhaps it started to just grow wrong and realized it needed more sun to survive so the tree curved itself towards the sky. I'm sure many other trees grow like this but there was no other tree around this tree that grew the same way.
This particular tree got me thinking. Since trees need sunlight to survive they should just grow sideways so that they can absorb more sunlight by taking up more surface area. However, if trees did this then we wouldn't call them trees. Naturalists would probably of called it a vein. It would seem easier for a tree to grow sideways but they don't. They have evolved to grow upwards towards the sunlight. Just this tree made me ask so many different questions about trees and that is why I think that that particular tree was significant to me.

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