Friday, September 24, 2010

Around 2:46 Thursday, September 23.

The ducks are constantly preening themselves. One appears to be standing on one foot and stretching the other like some type of duck yoga. Its inner wing feathers are a bright purple which contrasts the otherwise dull brown exterior. I believe these ducks are mallards. A few of them have green heads. I think these are the males as they have brighter plumage then the brown ducks. Three of them are standing on rocks in the middle of the stream like some sort of boring king of the hill as there does not appear to be any challengers. At first I thought this might be some show of dominance but none of the other ducks appear to have taken much notice. Almost in unison, every duck has fallen asleep. While resting, they tuck their beak into their wings. They also stand on one foot, which is amusing to watch. These ducks do not appear to be troubled by my presence, in fact they don’t seem to have taken any notice of me. The great Mitch Hedberg once said “I find the opinion ducks have of me is greatly dependant on whether or not I have bread.” I find this to be very true.

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