Monday, September 27, 2010

The ants go marching

Good news: I made a video!
Bad news: Youtube compressed the hell out of it looks like footage taken during some kind of blurry storm.
But if you like hard to see ants and jaunty harmonica music, check it out.
Also, if you thought you ever got strange looks just standing and starring at something, imagine holding a camera in awkward positions while filming something that is pretty much invisible. Yeah. Actually, I find it rather interesting that despite the fact that these ants live only a stones throw away from Lausanne, I got the impression that no one even knew they existed. Yet, unperturbed by their relative anonymity, the ants continue their endless journey between nest and tree. Actually, the ants split there time going between two different trees that are opposite directions from their nest. These trees are likely their sources of food although it was hard to tell what exactly they were attempting to bring back. A few of them carried insects, in fact there is a part in the video (thats impossible to see but trust me its there) where one ant's catch attempts to escape, causing the ant to tumble over itself. However, many appeared to be returning empty handed. Perhaps whatever they had was too small for me to see.
-My train of thought is momentarily interrupted by an unnervingly large spider slowly creeping across my bookshelf. It manages to stay slightly in the shadows which is doing nothing to help my primal urge to smash straight back to spider hell. I don't like to think of myself as squeamish, and I am not normally one to shy away from animals, but there is something about the spider that gives me, for lack of a better word, the willies. It is nothing bad enough for me to go running out of a room or anything but enough to make me uncomfortable. There was a short story by Ray Bradbury called A Matter of Taste, about astronauts who land on a planet filled with giant telepathic spiders. They are completely harmless, having enjoyed thousands of years of peace, and yet the humans are repulsed by the sight of the very intelligent arachnids. Some are driven mad with fear, other, more open people, are forced to shut their eyes when talking to them. It is an interesting look at humanities inability to let go of superficial differences. Anyway, long story short, they nuke them all.-

1 comment:

David P. Craig said...

James! This is great fun and fun choice of sound with harmonica loop. I feel like you were in the same perspective space as Lyanda Haupt was writing about her observations of the invertebrates in the moss along a side walk pulled up by crows.