Saturday, September 25, 2010


Theresa Barosh
We (My roommate, my neighbor, and a friend) found him looking lost on the sidewalk about a half an hour ago. We originally intended to put him somewhere safer, but we fell in love before he left our hands. He or Charlie (named in case he is actually a her) is long and light green with black and tan stripes going longways along his body. In the middle is a light tan stripe, while the other parallel stripes are dashed- like a dotted line. His head is smooth light green. His legs tickle. When he is on a leaf he sticks the top of his body out like he is trying to find another leaf or branch.
In general taking him home probably wasn't the best decision for him. This is more for the sake of observation as described in Crow Planet, except my creature is alive instead of dead and kept in a freezer. Hopefully, I will be able to make quite a few observations about my new friend. He also looks symmetrical like a fish; however I don't know about his internal structure.


tbarosh said...

"Oh my god! There's a caterpillar on my foot!" Sean yells. Four of us are studying in my room.
"Charlie!" Amanda leans forward to grab up Charlie and put him back in his not-so-escape-proof home made of a plastic grape container, "that's like your little three year old kid getting two miles away from your house."
I just checked Charlie out in the container about five minutes ago. He was curled up under a leaf, wiggling his head around. I logged on to make my next entry about Charlie, and he appeared on Sean's foot across the floor six feet away from his 'home'!
Now Charlie looks a little darker than he did before. I'm a little worried. This could just be due to the low light in Matthews.
Aaaah! Now he's squeezing through the hole again. Oh he pulled back in.

tbarosh said...

Charlie's Home
As I mentioned before, we took a plastic grape box, taped the majority of the holes from the inside so the sticky side of the tape is facing outward. We put a stick and many different types of green leaves in the box. We also put wet cotton balls in there to keep the air moist. I don't know if he will eat a particular type of leaf or anything that we give him. I'm hoping to be able to tell which leaf he likes best. So far as I can tell, he hasn't nibbled much on anything yet.

tbarosh said...

Now, two of my friends watch as Charlie tries to escape onto my floor out of the grape box. My mattress is under my bed frame on the floor only about a foot away from Charlie's box. I hope Charlie doesn't escape into my bed. I wouldn't want to squish him. He's extremely active. In the past few hours he's been either climbing around or burrowing into the pile of leaves. We're thinking about releasing him soon...